Thursday, January 24, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to The Impecunious Investor. This is a personal finance blog in which I will be as open and honest as possible with my personal finances. My goals here are several, but my primary goal is that by blogging about my personal financial journey I will be better able to stick to an effective plan and reach the financial goals I have outlined for myself. This blog will necessarily be very basic to start - savings, eliminating debt, retirement planning, etc. - but I hope that as my financial knowledge matures, so will this blog. Adding resources, recommendations, and quality personal finance blogs and websites will be an ongoing process. I am just getting started on my journey to financial independence, but I have learned a tremendous amount from several internet sources. It is my hope that by adding to the vast collection of material available online I will do my small part in helping someone else make the right choices and start on the road to financial independence.

Thank you for stopping by!

-The Impecunious Investor

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